(-) Goal incomplete
(~) Goal partially complete (buggy/hacked)
(+) Goal complete
Goals for this week:
1. Start engine redesign
a. (+) Drastically improved base vector class
Goals for next week:
1. Continue engine redesign
Other work done:
Didn't I say reworking the engine would doom the project?
Yes, I did.
However, let me remind you of a sermon Jesus gave about two men. One built his house on the sand, and it washed away when the tide came in. The other man built his house on the rock, and it was sturdy when the tide rose. Alternatively, you have the Three Little Pigs - as the news would report, "Wolf rampages neighborhood, killing two - homes destroyed."
The point of all this is a lesson I thought I'd learned before: I need to write code that lasts, not iust a flimsy continuous hack. I'm rewriting the engine so I have something to use after I get Minotaur wrapped up - an engine that's properly documented and doesn't keep tripping me up.
In short, I hate writing bad code. Now that I know what I'm actually doing with Java, I'm going to make something worthwhile that will allow rapid iteration on game development, as opposed to the frail and cumbersome hackery that's gotten me this far. Now to just get back into the habit of actually working on things...
See you next week.